Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Snowy Plover Chicks Released!

A statement from the SPDP education coordinator:

"Every year, COPR collects the abandoned Snowy Plover eggs off of Sand's Beach. We raise the eggs in an incubator. When the eggs hatch, we raise the chicks in a nursery at Coal Oil Point Reserve.

After five weeks of taking care of the chicks, you get to watch them be released back onto Sand's Beach. Last week, we released two healthy and happy chicks that wouldn't have had a chance to live had we not raised them in the nursery."

Snowy Plover Docent Program in Goleta Valley Voice Newspaper

In its recent June 13 issue, the Goleta Valley Voice newspaper published an article about the Snowy Plover Docent Program. To read the article, go to this site: http://www.goletavalleyvoice.com/cgi-bin/community/readarticle.cgi?article=2077

Monday, June 9, 2008

Volunteer at UCSB's Sands Beach

The Snowy Plovers are a threatened species, mainly due to loss of its preferred breeding habitat, the beach. Sands Beach, located at UCSB's Coal Oil Point Reserve (COPR), with its sandy beach, sand dunes, and adjacent estuary mouth is one of a few choice west coast locations where the snowy plovers can breed and thrive.

We are always looking for new docents, or volunteers, to protect the plovers, especially for summer. Volunteers are required to commit two hours per week, and that's it. Additionally, they must complete the training, which does not take very long.

The more docents we have, the better the chances for the recovery of the plover population at COPR and the species as a whole. If you are interested in becoming involved, but the "docent" work is not for you, please do not be discouraged. There are many other ways to help and we will find a way to get you involved. There is constant need for community outreach, office assistance, programming, design, and art, not to mention many other opportunities. More info can be found at http://coaloilpoint.ucnrs.org/subpage1/SnowyPlover/PloverDocentPgm/indexDocPgm.html.

Docent trainings will be held on June 21st, July 12th, August 9th, September 27th, and October 11th from 9:30 AM-1:30 PM. To register for training or for more info, you can contact Jennifer Stroh, Program Coordinator, at (805) 880-1195 or stroh@lifesci.ucsb.edu. And, if anyone is interested in other types of volunteering for the Reserve or paid positions, please don't hesitate to contact Jen.

Adult Plover Wing Span

Adult Plover Wing Span

Adult Plover with Chick

Adult Plover with Chick

Adult Plover and Three Chicks

Adult Plover and Three Chicks